
Monday, February 21, 2011

Hosea 1, 2 --- Redemption and trust --- Day 1

Hosea 2:23: I will plant her for myself in the land; I will show my love to the one I called 'Not my loved one.' I will say to those called "not my people', 'You are my people'; and they will say, 'You are my God'.

I'm hopping from Matthew to Hosea in order to enjoy a study with my wife.

Hosea contains one of the Old Testament's strongest revelations of the character of God in the form of an unconditionally loving husband. In chapter 1, it is revealed that Hosea, a prophet to Israel, is told by God to marry an adulterous woman (Gomer, who was widely believed but not technically proven to be a prostitute).

Shortly thereafter, three children are born. Hosea is then told to name them Jezreel, Lo-Ruhamah, and Lo-Ammi. These prophetic names, translated respectively as God sows (or scatters/plants), Not loved, and Not my people. Awesome, dad, thanks for that.

Already, I see a tremendous amount of obedience and trust on Hosea's part. His obedience to 1. marry a harlot and 2. name his children of such improper and inflammatory names shows a complete surrender of self as he overturned his path to God. Hosea willingly enters into a difficult life at the call of God, and he suffers for it.

BUT, there is such huge redemption coming from God. Obedience to God is trusting him for life. Hosea was trusting God long-term, and was not thinking about the short-term pain in his decision to trust and surrender.

It is so often that I am upset about short-term situations or circumstances in life. Bumps in the road feel like unavoidable mountains when facing them. Especially when the call to surrender is made.

Same old issue: control. Do I trust God with my life long-term, and believe he can use the present pain or strife to radically represent his unconditional love for us? Do I believe that, in the end, he knows what's best for me and, on that note, actually knows me better than I know myself?

I am excited to continue the book of Hosea and learn more about surrender, trust, obedience, and God's unconditional love. The greatest picture in this book is the redemption as our jealous God "allures" us and "leads us" to "speak tenderly" to us in love. Unbelievable, undeserved, unconditional love. The same love that Hosea shows to Gomer. Truly an epic story.

God, thank you for your love and a heart that burns for me. Thank you for forgiveness and for divine provision. I ask for faith to put my trust in you daily for the long-run. Thanks for the picture of who you are.

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