
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Matthew 13, 14 --- Grateful or the Gospel --- Day 7

Matthew 13:16-17: But blessed are your eyes because they see and your ears because they hear. For I tell you the truth, many prophets and righteous men longed to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it.

After another 60+ hour work week, it is extremely good to have a day off to relax and rest up. It is also very revealing to me how difficult it is to prioritize reading the Word at the end of a 12 hour work day. The lesson here for me is that the Word is not a chore, but fuel. Remembering that in a time of exhaustion is crucial.

The passage from Matthew above has given me a new perspective of thankfulness for the Gospel that I have not considered before.

The Bible is very clear throughout that many will hear, but few will understand. Thus, the gospel road is a narrow one, meaning few will walk it. The disciples were incredibly blessed to walk side-by-side with Christ as they witnessed his amazing gospel and were given direct insight to who he was.

The blessing applies to all who have heard the gospel and understood it to be the life-changing transformation of the heart. The road is narrow, and many see but will not see it.

The danger is elitist thinking, because it's easy to consider this passage and think we are elevated against the unseeing world. Christ came to be lower than the world, and as his followers, our calling is the same. The gospel makes us holy, which is set apart. We are set apart for Christ's purpose and not our own personal glory.

Therefore, today, I am thankful for the gospel, thankful that Christ has transformed my heart despite my undeserving self. I am thankful for that, and recognize that, being set apart, I am called to serve the world that others can see the Truth and truly see.

Father God, thank you for setting me apart. My iniquities and undeserving nature are a testimony to the vast extent of your grace, and I am thankful for a faithful love that goes beyond understanding. Give me the grace to love as you love.

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