
About this blog

Welcome to Two-a-Day. This blog is designed to be my personal devo-site, where I'll write and post my daily devotionals as I chew through God's word, two chapters at a time.

Although these devos are my own, my hope and encouragement to you is that you'll join me in studying God's Word. I don't believe there is anything more important in our Walk than to grow in our relationship with Christ through direct, intimate communion with him. Whether it's the Word, worship, or other forms of spending time with God, that time is precious and life-altering.

Let me be clear though.  This is not a teaching blog.  I have no wisdom to share, nothing to give other than what God grants through me that is not my own.  I ask that any reader of this blog keep me accountable, that if I ever slip into being preachy, or if you sense that my intentions are no longer to personally learn and grow, call me out.  

On the inside cover of my Bible, I've written a simple prayer: "May your Word permeate my life." My desire is to grow so close to God through his Word that the application of scripture overflows from within me.

Let it be heard that there is no legalism to be found here. Daily Devos are a commitment, not a requirement. They are beneficial and edifying beyond description, but in them, there should be no guilt or performance. The goal is not a check mark on my calendar; it is a growing relationship with our creator.

Join me.